We take care of the tough cuts

The tough cut services Ventrac mowing brush on a leaf-covered sloped bank.

What do we do?

Tough Cut Services, LLC is ready to tackle tough mowing environments with our Ventrac 4520Z tractor. We tackle challenging mowing environments and aim to reduce many hours of costly manual labor with increased safety.

On Safety

What makes our equipment a safer option than many conventional style tractors? The low- profile design of our tractor helps maintain a low center of gravity for optimized stability, especially when mowing slopes. The flex frame of the tractor provides for tighter turning radius, better stability, improved ground contact, consistent low ground pressure, and reduced turf disturbance as compared to traditional, fixed frame tractors. Full time all-wheel drive helps provide maximum performance in every situation. The unique ability to utilize the tractor's weight transfer system and dual wheel installation help to further improve performance and reduce disturbance.

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